Please note that leadership has nothing to do with seniority
or position in an organization, it also has nothing to do with titles and
personal charisma.
The fact that you have people under you doesn’t really mean
you are a leader, and to succeed in career and enterprise aspiration, you must
have the attributes of a leader.
then is a leader?
A leader is one that has the
ability to transform a vision into reality…….Warren Bennis. A vision on the other hand is a mental picture of an
expected future. As a leader, if you cannot see your future, you cannot seize
that future…..Moses Umoru. The
reason why people don’t succeed today is because they don’t know where they are
going to. They have a scalar approach to goal achievement.
As a leader, you must as a matter
of fact be able to IDENTIFY what
needs to be done, BUILD SKILLS in
relation to what has to be done, and COMMUNICATE
what has to be done.
1; VISION; seeing and communicating what needs to be achieved
not just about doing something, its knowing how to do it and when to do it.
Building skills in relation to what you want to achieve makes one competent. I
personally define competence as your ability to do something well and being
able to do it again. Any success you achieve and you cannot explain is a fluke.
If you cannot explain it, you cannot sustain it. If you think you are competent
in an area and your close friends cannot attest to it, you don’t have that
skill. Test your competence today.
3; COURAGE; A leader must understand that there is no opportunity
without a problem associated with it, therefore, he/she must have the nerve to
take some risk. Most successful people always said they had to take some risk one
time or the other.
4; lastly, a leader must have PASSION. Passion is the drive to
succeed against all odds. Passion keeps you going even when the money is not
forthcoming. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. The last tree was
planted 20years ago, the next time to plant another tree is now. Take the bull
by the horn now. Is not how long you sit on the chair and watch the ceiling of
the sky move is about what you have done with your life. Go start something.
Everybody has a reason not to
succeed. You have 1001 reasons not to succeed but you’ll always have one reason
why you need to succeed. You must look at that single reason why you need to
succeed. Hold on to it tenaciously. You need to be prepared so when the
opportunity comes it will hit you and you will grab it. What is your capillarity
index? What is your holding capacity? Can you hold opportunity? Are you
improving every day? Are you sharpening your axe? Are you learning new skills?
Are you improving on your skills?
Do something about your skill. In
the morning ask yourself, what good shall I do today? In the evening ask
yourself, what good have I done today? Stop counting days, start making the
nice article..never knew the word "LEADERSHIP" cab be this huge..